yarn add @graphql-ez/plugin-websockets
pnpm add @graphql-ez/plugin-websockets
npm install @graphql-ez/plugin-websockets
Integration with:
import { ezWebSockets } from '@graphql-ez/plugin-websockets';
const ezApp = CreateApp({
ez: {
plugins: [
// ...
// ...
export type WebSocketOptions =
// If you enable both protocols, it will automatically adapt to the correct protocol based on the client
| {
| {
rootValue?: any;
validationRules?: readonly any[] | ((context: ValidationContext) => any)[];
onOperation?: Function;
onOperationComplete?: Function;
onDisconnect?: Function;
keepAlive?: number;
| boolean;
// Check https://github.com/enisdenjo/graphql-ws/blob/master/docs/interfaces/server.serveroptions.md
graphQLWS?: Omit<GraphQLWSOptions, 'schema' | 'execute' | 'subscribe' | 'context' | 'validate' | 'onSubscribe'> | boolean;
wsOptions?: {
| ((
info: {
origin: string;
secure: boolean;
req: IncomingMessage;
callback: (res: boolean, code?: number, message?: string, headers?: OutgoingHttpHeaders) => void
) => void)
| ((info: { origin: string; secure: boolean; req: IncomingMessage }) => boolean);
clientTracking?: boolean;
perMessageDeflate?: boolean | PerMessageDeflateOptions;
maxPayload?: number;
// Only use graphql-ws library protocol
| 'new'
// Only use legacy subscriptions-transport-ws protocol
| 'legacy'
// Automatically use the correct protocol based on the client, the default value
| 'adaptive';
This plugin is not supported for Next.js
, since it follows the serverless architecture, and Websockets are not supported in serverless.
If you really need websockets for Next.js
, you can use libraries like fastify-nextjs to use Fastify as a custom server for Next.js.
Feb 2nd, 2022