yarn add @graphql-ez/plugin-codegen
pnpm add @graphql-ez/plugin-codegen
npm install @graphql-ez/plugin-codegen
Integration with GraphQL Code Generator
import { ezCodegen } from '@graphql-ez/plugin-codegen';
const ezApp = CreateApp({
ez: {
plugins: [
// Options
// ...
// ...
The config
property extends the options of:
export interface CodegenConfig
extends TypeScriptPluginConfig,
TypeScriptTypedDocumentNodesConfig {
* @description
* Will use import type {} rather than import {} when importing only types.
* This gives also add compatibility with TypeScript's "importsNotUsedAsValues": "error" option
* @default true
useTypeImports?: boolean;
* Enable deep partial type resolvers
* @default true
deepPartialResolvers?: boolean;
* Generated target path
* @default "./src/ez.generated.ts"
targetPath?: string;
* Add arbitrary code at the beginning of the generated code
preImportCode?: string;
* Handle Code Generation errors
* @default console.error
onError?: (err: unknown) => void;
* Custom Code Generation finish callback
onFinish?: () => void;
* GraphQL Codegen plugin context
pluginContext?: Record<string, any>;
* Extra plugins map
extraPluginsMap?: Record<string, CodegenPlugin<any>>;
* Extra plugins config
extraPluginsConfig?: Types.ConfiguredPlugin[];
* Asynchronously loads executable documents (i.e. operations and fragments) from
* the provided pointers. The pointers may be individual files or a glob pattern.
* The files themselves may be `.graphql` files or `.js` and `.ts` (in which
* case they will be parsed using graphql-tag-pluck).
documents?: UnnormalizedTypeDefPointer | UnnormalizedTypeDefPointer[];
* Documents config
documentsConfig?: {
* @default true
useTypedDocumentNode?: boolean;
* Configuration used while loading the documents
loadDocuments?: Partial<LoadTypedefsOptions>;
* Skip documents validation
skipDocumentsValidation?: boolean;
* Transform the generated code
transformGenerated?: (code: string) => string | Promise<string>;
* Custom document loaders
documentsLoaders?: Loader<string, SingleFileOptions>[];
export interface CodegenOptions {
* Enable code generation, by default is enabled if `NODE_ENV` is not `production` nor `test`
* @default process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && process.env.NODE_ENV !== "test"
enableCodegen?: boolean;
* Add custom codegen config
config?: CodegenConfig;
* Output schema target path or flag
* If `true`, defaults to `"./schema.gql"`
* You have to specify a `.gql`, `.graphql` or `.json` extension
* @default false
outputSchema?: boolean | string | string[];
Feb 2nd, 2022